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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Why is it so hard to manage these days? & Why does it seem the world is going crazy? – From the Ghedee point of view:

June 16, 2016 @ 1:07 pm

Since the advent of Yin (the primordial vibration of all existence) in December of  2012, there is an accelerated  universal movement towards closure or balance of the original state of everything. The vibration of yin has been exponentially increasing in all existence.


One of the many consequences of this is the ever immediate, exponentially increasing need for balance between and among all conflicting states.

In the human experience, this refers to all the conflicting emotional, mental and physical states within us. As the pressure to bring these into balance grows within each of us we are plagued with a bombardment of emotional, mental and physical distress.

All the conflicting aspects of us begin to clash within us, and clash with the situations outside of us. The emotions and mental states of fear, terror, lust, love, anger, sadness, happiness, guilt, confusion, anxiety, frustration, denial,  and joy, all begin to clash against each other in an internal conflict. The result is a general state of self-loathing, terror, anger/rage/hatred, and despair. This state usually takes 1 of 2 courses, implosive or explosive. Sometimes a little of both occurs to relieve the internal pressure.


Balancing these conflicting states requires shifting, changing, letting go of or balancing our conflicting beliefs about ourselves that we project onto the world around us. The judgments we internalize and project onto others must be changed in order to bring about internal balance.

With the 5-6 planets in retrograde currently and the longest day of the year approaching on the 21st, the Universal pull towards yin is like a bow and arrow poised to spring a sharp increase in the vibration of yin. This simply doubles or triples the pressure experienced by everyone and exacerbates the problem of resistance to internal change already plaguing our planet.


One small example of this is the young man in Orlando Florida responsible for the deaths of 49 people and wounding 53.

Even from the outside one can plainly see he was a closeted gay Muslim, who was self-loathing, very conflicted internally, and in a growing state of anger and rage directed at himself that eventually exploded, and 102 innocent bystanders had to pay – 49 of them with their lives. He was active sexually on several gay sites, frequented the very bar he terrorized, but internally a volcano was about to erupt. He felt he couldn’t or didn’t want to change all his conflicting states within, so 102 people had to pay because he couldn’t manage his spin or change within.

We look at this example and don’t see ourselves because we can’t imagine ourselves committing such an act, but this exact same process is happening in every single person on the planet. The implosion or explosion happens in so many different ways. Every person is plagued with conflicting states they must change or bring into balance. The most dangerous to humanity is the individual that believes this does not apply to her/him, or that they really are keeping their lives in balance without changing their conflicting states and ridding themselves of their internal judgments and beliefs. These individuals seem functionally unaware of their multiple outward explosions or multiple inward implosions. While constantly consciously aware of their ruminating judgments and beliefs about themselves and others.


Many people keep saying we need more LOVE in the world. We’ve been saying this for centuries but nothing really changes. This is because love is the byproduct of change, not the change itself. We cannot give what we don’t have. We must love ourselves first and then extend that love to everything outside of us.
Most of us on this planet are filled with self-loathing, self-hatred, and terror which all grows into anger and despair. This is either implosive or explosive, both of which are a detriment to society as a whole. The movement towards self -love is displayed when the individual walks through the fire of change and burns down all those emotional, mental and physical conflicting structures to bring internal balance. Internal and external Love are the flowers that grow after a great fire, the promise of a new beginning, the foundation of a new reality and the change we all keep looking for.


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