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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


My work at the Ghedee Centre has been unlike anything I've ever experienced, and yet, there is something familiar about the revelations that are taught and what I experience in my body and in my life. I have grown in ways that I didn't know I needed to grow; I have gleaned new insights to things that I thought I knew. It is difficult work - it is not magic, but I am grateful and will never be the same.

B. M.

My work at the Ghedee Centre has lead me to a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself, using the tools I have learned, I've been able to know the difference between myself and my habits. I've been able to identify the nature of my psychosis and my originating nature. More often than not, I'm here (in my body) and I can identify, choose and redirect...didn't seem an option before. I'm now experiencing another part of myself that is secure, this feels of faith, love, beauty and strength.

L. L.

I felt I had almost reached rock bottom when I found the Ghedee Centre four years ago. Stressed out from the demands of work and family my blood pressure was off the charts, and no amount of good diet or exercise was helping. I was very scared and felt I was spinning out of control. My medical doctor was treating the symptoms with hypertension and anti-anxiety medicine, but I wanted "off". I made the decision to take responsibility into my own hands for how I experience life's events - and how I allow them to affect me.

Through my work at the Centre, I realized that my long-held beliefs and judgments cloud the real truth, and that they form a lens through which I see and experience life's events. That many of my reactions to others are based on my beliefs and my perception of theirs, and that in reality what I choose to take away from any situation or personal interaction is up to me.

Today I better understand who I am and the beliefs that often still do taint my experiences. But I also know how to sense their presence, to not buy into them, to "move the energy" and take different actions. Thanks to my work at the Ghedee Centre I have returned to great health and feel "balanced" and happy.

Besides benefiting from the hands-on & (non -hands-on ) sessions at the Centre, I attend classes and discussion groups to gain the information and tools necessary to help me transform my experience of life. Truthfully, this work requires the will to change and a commitment and openness to apply the learning every day. And change doesn't happen over night.

As a rather skeptical person and one with a background in Physics, I relate (successfully!) what I learn in this practice relates back to principals I have been taught at school (Fleming's left/right-hand rules, Heisenberg uncertainty principal, quantum theory). Ghedee Philosophy and practice seems to blend Physics, Psychology and common sense.

Initials withheld at request of client

My work at the Ghedee Centre been an amazing journey of self-realization and discovery of how I experience myself and the world around me. Like a mother encouraging her child who is just learning to walk to explore what is beyond the next room or horizon, my facilitator showed me the unlimited possibilities of the human potential and allowed me the freedom to hone and perfect my skills in a safe and nurturing environment. He challenged me to explore my human potential, to dare to dream of what is possible in my life, and to create it by using the tools that he taught me. My health has improved, my life is richer from this experience, and my relationship with my wife has improved immensely. I would highly recommend the Ghedee Centre and their services to anyone who is serious about transforming their life. It's an emotional, mental and physical experience that is well worth it.

D. W.

In my work at the Ghedee Centre, I've come to understand the structure of my own individual experience. I was more than a bit shocked an awed to witness how automated my emotional and mental responses are to the people, situations and things that I encounter minute by minute. It is a very unique and personal discovery that I was not able to find within any self-help book or behavioral study that I've read.

While it is also somewhat intimidating to see, I have been shown that I have choice in my experience, and how I choose my experience. I have also been given tools for changing my experience, which will be with me for the rest of my life.

D. B.

There are no words to best describe my work at the Ghedee Centre. Since I started my work, I understand 'myself' and the 'me' that I never realized was there. I know I would never have been able to do with other practices. Every time I come to any class or discussion, the words feed my soul and my spirit and open me up to all possibilities. Since working at the Ghedee Centre, my life has changed in every possible way, especially in my relationships with my family, my husband and my work.

I. C.