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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


Each individual or group is unique in their needs and requirements. The Ghedee Centre can provide assistance and facilitation in a wide variety of ways, schedule a consultation today to see how the Ghedee Centre might assist you.

The Ghedee Centre provides a wide array of general services, all geared towards the ideals of healing, guidance, awareness, and balance all utilizing Ghedee Philosophy and Ghedee techniques.

Some of these include:

Stress Release and Education

The release of emotional, mental and physical stress held in the body. This also includes learning exactly what is being held in the body, the unique mechanism by which you store your stress, and how not to hold and store stress in the body.

Change / Transformation

The Ghedee Centre assists those looking for an Emotional, Mental, and Physical change - a complete change of experience. To help accomplish this, the Centre employs the most effective blend of a myriad of techniques and regimens specifically designed for each individual's needs and transformation.


The Ghedee Centre provides counseling for those needing guidance and assistance through difficult life situations. This includes Adolescents, Individuals or Couples.

Trauma Work

Trauma is the sum total of all the emotional, mental and physical impulses experienced during an event or during a series of events during any stage in life that so overwhelm the emotional, mental, and physical well being of a person that the body cannot allow full processing of these impulses. The Ghedeee Centre provides therapies that help heal many major traumas.

Transformation of the State of Grief

At the Ghedee Centre we work closely with individuals who are in a state of grief. We assist individuals who are seeking to transform their state of grief without the rehashing of the story of their loss. Our techniques and processes are focused around the particular state of grief and not the story of the loss. Our processes and techniques will quickly bring relief from the symptoms of grief.

Pain Therapy

The Ghedee Centre provides Pain Therapy - assisting in releasing or minimizing chronic physical pain utilizing a myriad of ancient techniques. NOTE: Individuals experiencing chronic physical pain due to a physical injury or physical cause must be under a physician's care.

Enneagram Consulting

For both Private and Business Consult