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The Ghedee Centre

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Ghedee Blog

Core Challenges To Human Evolution

Ghedee Philosophy lists 9 core, intrinsic emotional and mental attributes we humans hold (building blocks) that are integral to our true emotional, mental and physiological evolution. These building blocks also serve as core challenges to our true evolution. Individually and collectively, we must overcome (transform) these 9 core challenges in order to truly evolve emotionally, mentally, and physically beyond our present state:

  1. We humans have a perpetual all consuming need to “not end”.
  2. We humans thrive on conflict.
  3. We humans have an initial or innate drive to - kill/destroy, take, pillage/rape.
  4. We humans have an innate (emotional, mental & physical) need to subjugate and enslave.
  5. We humans are almost solely self-focused.
  6. We humans are rash and quick to react.
  7. We humans hold judgments to the extreme.
  8. We humans constantly struggle against the inevitable.
  9. We humans constantly wrestle with holding peace and tranquility.