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Fact - Truth - Objective Reality

Facts are actual elements of an event, state, or thing as opposed to an interpretation. Indeed the facts of a situation are the objective truths of that situation or circumstance.

An objective truth is something that is true for everyone (or everything), whether they agree with it or not. At one time this was simply called the truth. Nowadays, with the expansion of all other "truths", as well as the conscious attempt globally to transpose and conflate “personal truths” and objective truth, we must make a clear distinction here in these writings the stark difference between objective truth and all other "truths".

Objective reality is the sum total of all of the facts and objective truths of a circumstance, situation, or state. Objective reality is not an individual’s interpretation of said facts and objective truths. 

Current Objective Reality - the sum total of all of the facts and objective truths of a circumstance, situation, or state that are occurring NOW.

Subjective - Something that is not true for everyone or everything. "Subjective Truths" are all those "truths" that are subjective — personal, religious, cultural, ethnic, political, etc., truths. Your "personal truth" is not objective truth. Holding it as objective truth is holding a lie. Holding and engaging from lies breeds and perpetuates suffering.

Complete Projection Away from Objective Reality - in the face of a fact/s or question about a fact/s - a statement, thought, or intention that does not consider or contain any elements of the current facts as it projects away from the facts or objective reality.

Explanation Away From Objective Reality - in the face of a fact/s or question about a facts/s - a statement, string of thoughts or intentions that attempt to explain, rationalize or justify an element of a fact or facts in objective reality as it projects away from the facts or objective reality.

Interpretation Away From Objective Reality - in the face of a fact/s or question about a facts/s - a statement, thought or intention that interprets an element of a fact or a fact in objective reality to mean something other than the fact itself as it projects away from the facts or objective reality.