An Introduction To Ghedee Philosophy, Part 1
9:30am - 11:30am
2150 Mariner Square Dr.
Suite 101
Alameda, CA 94501
Also available on Zoom
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You may pre-register for this event by emailing and pay your pre-registration in cash at the door.
This event is $20 for advance registration, and $30 at the door.
An additional $0.91 will be charged for this credit card purchase.
Register for the whole series for $45
An additional $1.67 will be charged for this credit card purchase.
Ghedee (jee-dee) is a Philosophy of Living — it is a practice, not a religion. Ghedee Philosophy is a system/tool that allows you to perceive and understand yourself and the world around you from the fullest possible perspective. Your individual perspective creates your reality. Therefore, the fuller or more inclusive your perspective, the more balanced and harmonious your choices and actions.
Ghedee Philosophy is based on the understanding that absolutely everything perceived or imagined is mbec (um-beh) or energy in the form of vibration, and energy is the first manifestation of all there is, or could ever be. Mbec/Energy is the one constant in all existence, and all reality. This truth is reflected in everything we know. The fundamental essence of Ghedee Philosophy is learning to view and engage everything from it smost basic foundational elements.
Join us as we explore the fundamentals of Ghedee Philosophy and learn how to achieve and maintain a harmoniously balanced universal perspective of life.