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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance

The state of Resistance and the path through Resistance

Saturday, May 28, 2022
11:00am - 12:00pm

The Ghedee Centre
2150 Mariner Square Drive
Suite 101
Alameda,  CA  94501
Also available on Zoom

Please enter through the large side door from the parking lot.

This space is a shoe free environment, and we request that all guests remove their shoes upon entering. Please plan accordingly.

You may pre-register for this event by emailing wiah@theghedeecentre.com and pay your pre-registration in cash at the door.

This event is $20 for advance registration, and $30 at the door.

An additional $0.91 will be charged for this credit card purchase.

Register for any two Discussions in The Change Series for $35 or the entire series for $60.

An additional $2.13 will be charged for this credit card purchase.

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This Series both examines and walks you through the practical and tangible steps to changing both your experience of life and your life situation.

TRUTH: "Is the benign state of being in harmony with all that is". Truth needs no action, needs no justification and holds no judgments or beliefs. When the experience of our life is one of emotional, intellectual and physical pain, we are in a state of RESISTANCE To TRUTH. Though all states are normal and natural, all fixed states of separation are unnatural.

Life here in this place is cyclical, therefore we will experience all states. Our CHOICE is how we experience these states. From a fixed state of "Resistance To Truth" we find that the stories of our life and the circumstances of our life seem to keep repeating themselves with an ever increasing intensity. So if I find myself in a state of REISTANCE To TRUTH, how do I change/remove my resistance to truth? To remove or change our Resistance To Truth we must first look beyond our pain, fears, choices, judgments and beliefs.

We must look to the TRUTH.