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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance

The Universe of Yin & Yang…and the illusion of Time

Friday, July 2, 2021
7:00pm - 9:30pm

Ghedee Centre & Zoom
2150 Mariner Square Dr.
Suite 101
Alameda,  CA  94501
Also available on Zoom

For Zoom attendees the Zoom Link will be provided upon registration.

You may pre-register for this event by emailing wiah@theghedeecentre.com and pay your pre-registration in cash at the door.

This event is $20 for advance registration, and $30 at the door.

An additional $0.91 will be charged for this credit card purchase.

Register for the series for $90

An additional $3.04 will be charged for this credit card purchase.

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Two basic vibrations form all reality; these vibrations are the beginning threads that form all existence. For all intents and purposes, we refer to them as Yin and Yang. In the cycle of life, the Female is the physical representation of Yin and the male Yang. Yin is the beginning and the end of all life and is the most powerful force in existence.

All human beings attempt to place themselves in the vastness of creation to form a purpose and create a timeline of a future yet to come. Ghedes are no exception. The Ghedee concepts of manifest and un-manifest reality and time, revolve around the 2 vibrations that form all manifestation -Yin and Yang.

Learn about the Ghedee philosophy of all existence and the illusion of time. By learning how to harness, balance and focus in Yin we can create a life experience that is more in sync with the rhythm of life around us.