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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Your Experience of Life

July 3, 2002 @ 8:07 am


There are only three ways in which we experience Life:

  1. Intellectually
  2. Physically
  3. Emotionally

All experience, (intellectual, physical, and emotional) is based on “Judgment” OR “Non-Judgment” which gives rise to “CHOICE”. Our judgments are also the building blocks of our beliefs. These would be our beliefs about life and ourselves. Therefore, it is usually our JUDGMENTS (which form our beliefs) that cause us pain and keep us in fear. When our experiences are based on judgments, pain and fear are not too far behind. Judgment supports belief, belief is rooted in judgment, which gives rise to choice – a choice” that has to eventually bring about situations to support both judgment and belief and bring along pain and fear.

Non-Judgment is rooted in Self or Spirit. An experience rooted in non-judgment is based on experience and nothing else. Experience is “all there is”. You are aware in every instance of this experience as to the truth about Life. “There is no separation; everything I can see, touch, smell, taste, hear, think, and feel is a direct reflection of me.”

Try this Exercise: From the time you open your eyes in the morning till you close them at bedtime, try to be aware of and count your judgments. Your judgments of yourself, others, your job, your situations, etc. Also, try to be aware of the emotions that follow your judgments, the physical presence of your judgment in your body; and the thoughts and ideas that follow. If you find it impossible to keep track, more than likely your total experience is controlled by judgments and beliefs.


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