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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

The World Is Awakening

February 5, 2003 @ 2:20 pm


THE WORLD IS CHANGING…..THE WORLD IS AWAKENING< What once was, is lost forever for there are many now who REMEMBER...and are remembering. All around us we see the signs and symptoms of an awakening like never before. No longer do we have the luxury of time. Yang has had dominion for ages, the need for Yang alone has faded....we stand on the threshold of Yin. The shadows are dark, for darkness and stillness are signs of Yin. All in opposition to this awakening / this balance can not exist in this "New Time". This "time" when Yang meets Yin and exists in perfect balance...stillness. As we watch the images of the world around us we can see they parallel the changes in our bodies, brains, emotions and the stories of our lives. WE CHANGE OR DIE.....WE CHANGE OR LEAVE. The "TROUBLE OF THE WORLD" Until we (Spirits in human form) return to the place where we see Self in everyone and everything we can see, touch, hear, and smell, we will live in a lie that everything outside our human body is separate from our being. All life is ONE....."I AM" a part of everything and everyone ...therefore I AM. This lie of separation is one of the fundamental lies we Spirits hold, and it flows through every aspect of our lives and into the societies and cultures we create. This is one of the fundamental "troubles of the world".< As this "new time" moves "forward", our old ways of processing our experiences (if not from truth) will become increasingly more difficult. Our instances of overwhelm, apathy, helplessness, anxiety, anger and hopelessness will become increasingly more frequent. Our bodies will fall limp from fatigue more and more - all the while the stories of our lives will become increasingly more painful; they will become "louder", more dramatic, and the building pressure from the impending implosion of all we carry/hold becomes unbearable. What do you do when you are in a car moving at 300 MPH with no brakes, on course for a collision with a solid brick wall? You CHANGE course, or DIE. It seems pretty simple, but why don't we do this in our personal, social, business, financial, political, etc. "LIVES"? Heed the awakening of the world and your own awakening - for that is why you have chosen to come here to this place at this "time" in this moment. We Spirits came here to experience...and we are experiencing. Is your experience (not your story) what YOU intend? If NOT YOU and only YOU can CHANGE that experience.


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