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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

The Three Teachings

July 11, 2008 @ 12:18 pm

My teachings are easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Yet your intellect will never grasp them, and if you try to practice them, you will fail.

My teachings are older than the world. How can you grasp their meaning?

I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.

Simple in actions, thoughts (and Feeling)* , you return to the source of being.

Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are.

Compassionate towards YOURSELF, you reconcile all beings in the world.

If you want to know me, look into your heart.

Lao Tzu (600B C)

* added by Wiah


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