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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

The Importance of Balance

January 10, 2004 @ 12:38 am

Our planet is a very delicately balanced ecosystem containing a plethora of “sub-ecosystems” that are just as delicately balanced. We have set into motion a series of events that have both our home and us completely off balanced. Therefore it is becoming increasingly more difficult for us (“all things”) to try and keep our “worlds” in some sort of order (balance). Every choice we make as a collective experience that is not in harmony with the vibration/wave of life causes irreparable damage to all our “ecosystems”, (which cannot be repaired but only rejuvenated after being destroyed)

We all come from the ONE, we are all subdivisions of the ONE. ONE is, was, and will BE all there IS.

Dr. Chaim H. Tejman explains quite well the unity and singularity of all life and existence…(for those of you who are scientifically focused)

“We believe that communication between different organelle occurs mainly in chemical, physical and mechanical ways. It seems to me, however, that an additional important way for energy signal exchange is through energetic matter and its space. This is what gives chemical and physical connections their virtual relationship.

The high-energy hydrogen vortex is the basis for life everywhere. The hydrogen in water molecules H-O-H creates a high-energy compound with oxygen, which can transfer energy matter from one source to another. High-energy water molecules are a source of living formations. With constantly moving molecules (Brownian motion), water helps supply energy from its surroundings to living formations, which utilize this energy with new molecules of water. Life appears not only in water, but also in other high-energy liquids where different energy and organelle formations can easily communicate with each other. Every living formation is an energetic matter formation.

In the atom, the proton (energetic vortex) is the highest energy formation (core of the atom). With the help of the electron, its energetic swirl transmits excess energy to living organisms in its surroundings. To sustain their existence, living creations constantly need the energy supplied by fresh water; its high-energy atoms give and receive energy from the surroundings. The main source of energy for living formations, however, is derived from the sun, but other sources are also available. As the Earth decays, it disperses energy. In the future, this may be an important source of energy for humanity.

As we enter a new year celebrate this wonderful new time in which we live. For we are witnesses to the birth of a new age, the age of REMEMBRANCE. All our age old methods of existence will cease to exist. The picture will look chaotic, bleak and dire but if we look beyond the picture and step out of the “story” of what is occurring we will see that through the pain, the screams, and the blood emerges a new life, a new way of being and ultimately a new collective experience – an experience that brings us back into balance and our “worlds” and our home. An experience of Love, an experience of unity and an experience of PEACE (the mid-point, the balance between aggression and acquiescence)

The new age is ushered into existence on the wheels of our new time. WATCH, REMEMBER and CHANGE…….OR DIE.


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