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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Teams & Allegiance

December 14, 2004 @ 10:45 am

We form teams of all sizes and for many purposes, each with its own “jersey” . Teams have become an important part of our recreational, social, political, financial and business expressions. We humans have fashioned groups into teams that never seem to benefit all those within the group or those outside the group. We are continually trying to create better and better teams, but there is one element missing from the formula of creating a team that works for everyone. This element is each individual’s commitment to themselves and their performance as it benefits the entire group.

A group becomes a True Team when its members learn to depend on themselves, each other, and share accountability and resources. This True Team manifests as a superlative group when its members reach a passionate level of commitment to themselves, each other, and the team’s cause. A True Team is identifiable by its results and by its individual members’ unwavering commitment to themselves and one another, a commitment that transcends the team situation.

Our allegiance should be to our Human Team . Then and only then will we be able to achieve the cohesiveness we seek. This is easily achieved by removing all other “jerseys” .

Remember we are all a part of a never-ending group- inseparable, marooned in the same dimensional space and bound to the same fate.

“I pledge my allegiance to my fellow human beings and the planet to which we are all bound, one expression of The Tao , Ubiquitous, with inner peace and enlightenment for all that exists.”


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