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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for


August 5, 2013 @ 8:59 am


Be Self Defined not defined by circumstances and others!

When you define your “self” by your circumstances, or by the views and whims of others, your self-esteem as well as your life’s direction becomes uncertain and drifts like tumbleweed – whichever way the wind blows. Your life becomes a constant reaction to ever changing circumstances and environment, rather than making daily, conscious, self-directed choices that are in line with the life and life experience you desire. In this tumbleweed state, your entire consciousness, life and life experience seems to be reacting to one “fire” after another. The choices you make all seem to be in direct response to something or someone outside of “self”. Your life “seems” to have become not the life you thought you were creating and not the life you want. No matter how you try to change your circumstances, your life seems to remain the same – a stranger’s life.

Your circumstances are not the reasons for this state. Your lack of self-definition and self-direction is the root cause.

Extricate your “self” from the story of your circumstances or the needs and desires of others and enfetter your “self” to your soul’s intentions, desires and the direction of these desires. Then, and only then, will the landscape of your life begin to change and mirror what is inside of you and what you truly desire.



Share your thoughts (2)


  1. shahdad shoja Says:

    Even though the desires of one’s heart at times are effected by the surrounding needs of others, one must be true to themselves and their purpose of life, and at the same time be considerate to the needs of others. Since all beings are connected through the web of love, and that we are not islands by ourself, it is through unconditional love towards ourselves and others and being in the state of grace that one becomes true to self and other selves.
    With Respect and Love

  2. Crystal H. Weston Says:

    great message. and one i very much need at this stage in my life.