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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Needing A Fixed State!!!

June 2, 2014 @ 9:49 pm

Yearning to create fixed states is how most choose to experience their life and themselves.

Though all states are normal and natural, all fixed states of separation are unnatural. Life here in this place is cyclical, therefore we will experience all states. Our choice is how we experience these states. When we find that the stories and circumstances of our lives seem to keep repeating themselves with an ever increasing intensity, we are in a fixed state of Resistance to Truth.

EXAMPLE: A perpetual state of happiness is as unnatural as a perpetual state of sadness. When we fixate on being happy ALWAYS, and try to have only “positive” happy experiences; or fixate in a state of sadness and ALWAYS seek “negativity” and “negative” experiences…..we are in resistance to truth. Both the aforementioned fixed states are based on judgments (not truth) about one’s self and one’s environment. Both these fixed states lead to constant fear and pain, in all its various manifestations. These states gradually become harder and harder to maintain with an ever increasing intensity; thus the pain (emotional, mental & PHYSICAL) and the fear surrounding these states become greater and greater with each experience.



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    The human spirit and body is an incredible creation of God or the universe. Both happiness and sadness is the birth right of each soul to experience. One needs first to define the meaning of happiness or sadness. to a child perhaps sadness means loss of a toy or a toy that Mom and dad are not willing to buy for him. To an older person perhaps loss of a partner
    who they were in love with could be the experience of sadness.
    These states arise and fall based on the thoughts that create a set of emotions. Uncontrolled they either can take you to ecstasy or deepest of depression. Perhaps during the state of changes in ones life the best is to be even minded.
    to me the state of happiness is now to go to a deep state of
    my inner world and accept that I can choose to love myself and as this school we are in is about learning i allow others to make mistakes so that they can learn and I too be alloved to make mistakes and learn from these experiences and take their essence to my being and let go of the experience itself.
    With gratitude Wiah your teachings are of wisdom to be lived.