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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for


July 7, 2009 @ 10:36 am

Monotony: “a tedious lack of variety”

All of Life is made up of a string of actions and inactions, choices and consequences, repetition and sameness. From having to wake up every morning, breathe, eat and expel without ceasing, in order to stay alive…to all other life choices. Everything you do will create a sense of repetition and monotony. Life and life circumstances do not bring excitement; joy, freedom, prosperity, wisdom, peace, love or any other state of being you may seek.

YOU must generate the excitement you wish to experience about every experience in Life.

YOU must create the level of joy you wish in every situation.

YOU must experience the freedom in the confinement of all your experiences.

YOU must see the prosperity in your life based on your chosen values and level of contentment.

YOU must extract from your experience of life around you the lessons that you will put into practice to bring you the experience of life you wish – thus yielding wisdom.

YOU must find peace and balance in the tussle of everyday life.

YOU must be the love you seek and thus be able to experience it in every life experience.

To the base stock of the monotony, sameness, and tediousness of everyday life YOU must add the spices of diversity, multiplicity, variety; variability, variation; absorption, engagement, engrossment, enthrallment, fascination, interest, intrigue; animation, excitement, invigoration, and stimulation to create the unique and much desired experience of life that is YOURS .


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