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The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for


January 1, 2013 @ 5:53 am

MIRAGE ~ something illusory, without substance or reality.

 Most all of us human beings have a false sense of what we look and sound like.  We are often surprised when we hear a recording of our voice or see our selves in video because our perception of ourselves is a combination of what we are feeling, intending to say or do, and our internal perception of our body. 

By the same token, most see their lives and the world around them not as it truly is but as they want to perceive it. This perception is the mixture of how we feel and think about our selves and the world around us.

We exist in rolling moments of what we believe to be the truth only to find our “internal truth” doesn’t match the “external truth” … it is a mirage.

This is because the “internal truth” does not exist externally – it only exists internally; if you see it externally it is only a mirage.

Quite often it is important to view ourselves from the outside inward, then and only then can we have a mirage free view. A lense focused inward shows clearly what we are creating “internally” and projecting onto the outside world…the mirage.


Share your thoughts (4)


  1. Derrick Pete Says:

    Happy New Year! Great way to start 2013, REMEMBERING… Wiah, what a great title for a book! You already have it written. Instant New York Times Best Seller. Amazing.

  2. wiah Says:

    Happy New Year to you as well Derrick!
    Thank you so much for the encouragement! Actually, I was discussing this very idea as a project for 2013. You have just given me the confirmation that it should be my primary focus for this year.
    Looking forward to seeing you soon!

  3. Seema Says:

    Hello Wiah, Happy new year! Hope you had a wonderful holidays.
    I had some questions about this months remember: How can you distinguish between internal truth and external truth? Any suggestions as to how to push past the mirage to make perception match reflexion? Thank you for this remember…

  4. wiah Says:

    Happy New Year Seema!
    There are many ways to distinguish between “internal truth” and “external truth”, but one simple difference is that internal truth is projected outward and external truth is not projected it waits to be integrated (or “seen”). In other words “external truth” needs to be projected inward.
    On your question about how to push past the mirage and make perception match reflection I will say this:
    It is not about pushing past the mirage rather seeing the “effect” as a Mirage and seeing the cause of the Mirage. This can only be done by projecting the lense inward. I will give you a personal example.

    I was on a small boat here in Vietnam and we were moving towards a bend in the river, as we approached the bend I noticed the land mass to my left looked as if it was moving left and the land straight ahead seem to be growing larger before my eyes. (This was a Mirage) It was not until I looked down at the boat “I was in” that I could see that it was “I” who was moving and not the land to my left, it was “I” who was drawing closer to the land ahead it was not growing larger.
    Let me know if these answers help.

    Thanks for such great questions! ~ W