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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Lack of Integration

August 13, 2004 @ 2:59 am

Lack of integration of the Emotional Body, Mental Body and Physical Body.

This lack of integration will become prominent and plague us in the years to come. For so many centuries, we as humans have failed to integrate our bodies for a complete life experience. For much of our experience, we have fixed our experience in only one (at most 2) of the 3 listed above. This makes for a distorted life experience, which has brought about war, dis-ease , insanity and death.

WAR: When we are at war within our own bodies, we manifest conflict at every level with varying intensities. In this state of internal dis-ease and conflict between bodies…(ie..emotional – mental, mental – physical or physical – emotional) we manifest conflict in every aspect of our individual and collective experience. This war/conflict is firmly held in place by the dissonance created between our root beliefs and Truth .

Dis-ease : Dis-ease manifests in the malaise of the physical body, the emotional body and mental body. This results in the degradation of the mind, brain, personality, will and physical body. Most all our physical diseases have strong root in the dis-ease and war between our emotional and mental bodies. Our physical body thus becomes a receptacle for the waste and casualties of our internal war / dis-ease.

Insanity: This is the complete or partial severing of the unique inter-dimensional link between bodies. This catastrophe is the result of astronomical amounts of dense energy being held in all three bodies, which is a direct result of the war and dis-ease that plagues thetotalexperience. Many refer to this as theseparationfrom reality or varying states of delusion. Any disconnect between bodies is a separation from the Tao (the way) the reality of all that is, was, will,and could be…

Death: Death is the resignation from one or all of our 3 bodies, due to war, dis-ease, and insanity within the bodies. Though Death is a separation from Truth it also occurs within the Tao . Death’s continued existence relies completely on our dis-ease, our insanity and our conflict / war with the Tao .


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