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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

…it is not today!

May 2, 2013 @ 8:32 am

…it is not today!

This Month I celebrate strength, self-determination, individual responsibility and self-reliance.

4 core values I learned through my experience of my grandmother, as this is her birth Month.

Roberta Johnson was an exceptionally strong, self-determined, responsible and self-reliant woman. She rarely asked for any assistance in doing anything even the most basic tasks. She had a favorite saying, which really anchored these aforementioned values for me… “it is not today!”. I remember once in her 70’s she slightly twisted her knee and had some difficulty getting around. I offered repeatedly to do many of her daily chores to help out until she felt better, but she would always refuse the assistance and reply “There may come a time when my legs really give out, and I just can’t get around, then I will need your help…but it is not today!” and smile.

Two days after twisting her knee, she got dressed for her daily 2 hour hike at 5am. I said “Grandma what are you doing, shouldn’t you stay off that knee?” She replied “I’m careful with it but there will come a time when I just can’t physically exercise and move my body…but, it is not today!” and smiled.

I learned that nothing lasts forever, but for the time you have, whatever it might be, you must treasure it and you must be responsible for ALL that you possibly can because that is where the real joy of living lies. That is how to be truly present to the life that you have, by engaging it constantly and not handing off to others vital parts of your experience.


When you are finding excuses for not being responsible or not fully engaging some aspect of your life, say this to yourself … “There will come a time when I really just can’t/won’t be able to ____________, but it is NOT today!” and smile.

Inspired by Roberta Johnson –May 17, 1920 – December 26, 2000




Share your thoughts (4)


  1. Batyah Says:

    Love this…”engaging constantly and not handing off to others vital parts of your experience.”

    Thank you, Wiah…the more I let in, the more I let out.

  2. Shahdad Shoja Says:

    How are you Wiah. Although all your messages
    In the past brought with them knowledge and
    Information, this one had the biggest impact
    For me. It came from your experience and the vibration
    From the recesses of your heart.
    May blessings of all that is be with you on
    Your journey towards light and love.

  3. Irene Ying Ying Chung Says:

    This is the best Remember. In Chinese culture, most people will say that she is just being stubborn. It is not; it’s just being responsible and engage your own life. This really gave me an insight in how I treat my life on a daily basis and how I want to experience it. Thank you Wiah for sharing this.

  4. wiah Says:

    Thank you all for the great comments. I am glad this warm remembrance of my grandmother helps you in maintaining peace and balance in your daily life. This is one of the ways in which I live my daily life…with full engagement.
    Please remember to share this Remember with your Facebook/Twitter friends and family. :)