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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for


March 10, 2008 @ 1:45 pm

Hopelessness…the fruit of ideas rooted in the impossible.

The need to exist and revel in the impossible has become a new pastime. We expect to create and sustain states of being that are contrary to Universal Laws. We expect to make the impossible possible.

An example of this is the noble idea of fighting hunger and starvation. This concept is fantastical and impossible because it does not take into account the Universal Law of Balance:

“Everything in the Universe always exists in perfect balance.”

The balance of hunger and starvation is greed and gluttony. Greed and gluttony define and bring meaning to starvation and hunger, and vice versa. Therefore, the only way to eradicate hunger and starvation is to simultaneously eradicate greed and gluttony. But many of us find the process of eradicating our greed and gluttony painful. In our denial, it seems more noble to continue the fight against starvation and hunger, and keep our greed and gluttony.

Another idea rooted in the impossible is the belief that one can change a painful situation without experiencing pain. The emotional, mental or physical pain experienced can only be changed or relieved by making “painful” choices or experiencing the “pain” that is resisted.

It is painful being emotionally dependent on others… I wish to change this without experiencing the pain of being alone.

It is painful being limited in the way I think, or judge myself and the world around me… I wish to change this without experiencing the pain of letting go of old habits and beliefs.

It is painful not being physically fit. My experience of my body is painful and filled with shame… I wish to change my physical body without experiencing the pain of physical exercise or the pain of resisting unhealthy foods.

I find certain relationships in my life painful… I wish to change this experience without making difficult or painful choices.

When we seek to change any state, we must change its counter-balance simultaneously. To do anything else is to eat from the fruit of hopelessness.

Remember the Universal Law of Balance:

“Everything in the Universe always exists in perfect balance.”


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