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The Ghedee Centre

The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for

Death of the Self

April 12, 2005 @ 8:58 am

You are the center of your Universe.

You are the beginning and ending of your experience. Therefore, you come first. Without you there is no Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Wife, Husband, Partner, Race, Culture, Family, Sex, Religion, Duty or Purpose . If you are not without “dis-ease” Emotionally, Mentally or Physically; everything in your Universe is “dis-eased” .

You cannot give what you do not have…..this is a universal law. If you have no joy, you cannot share joy with others. This tends to be difficult for many people because they have agreed to forget themselves, which is the most important element in their experience. With each instance of a forgotten self you DIE Emotionally, Mentally and Physically.

What ever you attempt to give to others, an equal amount must be given to yourself to maintain inner balance. The best way to be of assistance or service is to learn how to serve yourself and how to receive assistance. This is because receiving is the balance of giving. In case of an emergency, airlines request that the parent secure their own emergency equipment before securing the child’s. This is because if the Parent is not fully secured they cannot best assist the child.

I received an article about self-sacrifice, I have adapted some of it into a more universal truth. The article speaks about those in “dis-ease” who adopted “myths” of being and have slowly DIED .

Death of the Denied Self
By The Oracle of Temple

While struggling with the reality of living as a human instead of a myth…

The Good Mother…
The Strong Man…
The Independent Woman…
The Good Father…
The Good Son…
The Good Daughter…
The Devoted Friend…
…passed away today.

Medical sources say they died of natural causes, but those who knew them know they died from being silent when they should have been screaming, smiling when they should have been raging, from being sick and not wanting anyone to know because their pain might inconvenience others. They died from an overdose of other people clinging to them when they didn’t even have energy for themselves.

They died from trying to love those who didn’t love themselves and could only offer them crippled reflections. They died from the lies told to them about life, love, duty and the world. They died of asphyxiation; from secrets and pains they kept trying to burn away instead of openly and honestly letting go. They died from being responsible, because there was no else willing to help with the responsibility.

They died from myths that would not allow them to show weakness without being chastised. They died from hiding their true feelings until they became hard and bitter enough to invade their bodies like angry tumors. They died from never being enough of what others demanded or wanted. They died from being misinformed about their mind, body and the extent of their ability to be loyal. They died from internalizing the lethal images that surrounded them on a daily basis – images of everything they could never be or have.

They died from sacrificing themselves, their dreams and everything when all they really wanted to do was be a singer, a dancer, an artist, or some magnificent other…themselves. They died from lies of omission because they couldn’t bring themselves to destroy the myths they had come to believe.

They died from attempting to give to others what they did not have for themselves…

The Good Mother…
The Strong Man…
The Independent Woman…
The Good Father…
The Good Son…
The Good Daughter…
The Devoted Friend…
are dead!

Or are they?……….


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