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The Ghedee Centre

Healing  •  Guidance  •  Awareness  +  Balance


We come to this plane of existence in full remembrance of who and what we are, but we quickly learn to forget, and cling to the false reality of this place. Each month, I offer a reminder of the ever enduring Spirit that is YOU!
- Wiah

Remembers for


September 4, 2012 @ 10:04 am


“a person who is addicted to an activity, habit, or substance”


In our society we have a lot of judgment of individuals with addiction issues, most especially those addicted to drugs, alcohol and food. Addiction usually begins with a repeated emotional, mental or physical connection to a substance or activity. Before long the “need” for the substance emotionally, mentally and physically grows to point where it becomes “necessary” for daily functioning.

We feel, think and act based on what we judge or believe about ourselves and the world around us.


What are you addicted to?

Are there any daily emotions or emotional states you “can’t seem to get away from”?

Are there any ruminating thoughts that fill your daily experience?

Any physical activity you “must” execute to “feel good”?

If you answered yes, we can safely say you are an addict.

You’ve been “feeling this way” for so long that you can’t imagine “feeling” any other way…you’ve been “thinking this way” for so long that there seems to be no other possibility…you’ve been “doing” the same thing for so long that it seem impossible to stop.  You are addicted to your judgments and the beliefs you hold about yourself and the world around you.

The 7 steps to recovery from this form of addiction are as follows:

1)    I admit that I have a problem of which I am the sole creator, and only I can change it

2)    I STOP whenever it occurs (the feelings, thinking or activity)

3)    I take a deep breath

4)    I acknowledge the lie of the judgment or belief

5)    I acknowledge and then focus on the truth

6)    I release my need for the judgment or belief

7)    I then choose a different emotional, mental and physical action


Choosing a different action each time the urge surfaces is the key to the transformation of the experience of “addiction”.





Share your thoughts (2)


  1. Leah Says:

    You make me smile inside and out. Thank You.

  2. Trevelyn Says:

    I have had this message for a while, but decided to read it today. I was just sharing with a friend how melancholy I’ve been feeling the past couple of weeks, due to the situation that I am facing in my home with a friend. A series of incidents took place over the last few days and in thinking about it, I decided that I don’t have to put up with it. Instead of expecting someone to change (behavior) based on my desire to feel better, I am the only one that can change ME and my circumstances.

    Reading this helped me to first identify that I could be addicted to certain emotions, judgements and beliefs when things don’t go my way. Although I do believe that Spirit is always working together for my highest and best good, I don’t always express or show this in my behavior, it’s a good indication of the work I am doing and still have to do, but what I appreciate is that I am “clear” and I can change and choose a different emotion at any time.

    I have/had been listening to a lot of Abraham-Hicks and the Pleiadians, and during those times felt more centered than when not listening, but I don’t want to have to rely on those teachings and messages for me to “feel good”, I want to be able to “feel good” no matter the circumstances that is going on in my life. I am still at choice no matter what.

    Thank you for sharing these lovely reminders of who I really am.